Monday, March 7, 2011

Exploring the World Of Biology By John Hudson Tiner

Exploring the World Of Biology: From Mushrooms to Complex Life Forms By John Hudson Tiner is a fascinationg science guide for any young reader who has an interest science, and nature.  This book is not a stand alone text book, although it is marketed as a biology text for the homeschooled market, but rather a good fact filled suppliment to any science course.  This soft cover 153 page book is not exaustive as it does not thorougly cover all the biological topics that a traditional text book would cover.  Instead, this book contains indivdual articles on various biological related topics, inclus=dingt insects, reptiles and digestion.  The topics jump around and are diverse- and are best read as seperate and independent articles rather. The book is analagous to a science magazine or journal for young readers rather than an exaustive. complete biology text book.  There are also black and white photographs and illustrations within the text as well.  Each chapter also includes study questions at the end.  A unique chapter is included which discusses the role of frauds, hoaxes and wishful thinking in the promotion of many scientific theories that are often purported as fact among many scientists and secular schools.  This informative chapter included information that more often is left out of traditional science books and text bookd.  This is a chapyter you will certainly never find in a public school science text!  As a blogger for Master Books I recieved a copy of this book for the purpose of writing this review.  The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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